May. 26, 2017

May 26 - June 3, 2017: In preparation for PENTECOST

May 26 - June 3, 2017: In preparation for WHIT SUNDAY / PENTECOST



“He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait the promise of the Father, which you have heard saith he, from my mouth: for John indeed baptized in water; but you in a few days time, shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost.”
(Acts, i. 4-5)



Whit Sunday / The Day of Pentecost: June 4, 2017




Creating Spirit, come possess
Our souls, and with thy presence bless:
And in our hearts, framed by thy hand,
Let thy celestial grace command.

Thou who art call’d the Paraclete,
The Almighty Father’s gift complete;
The living fountain, fire and love,
And sacred unction from above.

Thou finger of the Father’s hand,
Who dost a sevenfold grace command:
Thou promised, from the Highest sent,
In various language eloquent.

Purge with thy light our earthly parts,
And with thy love inflame our hearts:
Thus human weakness fortify
With everlasting constancy.

Far from us drive the infernal foe,
And peace, the fruit of love bestow
Thus having thee, our safest guide,
Let not our feet to evil slide.

Let us by thee the Father own,
And to us let thy Son be known:
Let us believe in thee, who dost
From both proceed the Holy Ghost,

To God the Father, and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory done:
This praise for ever let’s repeat,
To God the holy Paraclete. Amen.

V. The Apostles spoke in various tongues, Alleluia.
R. The wonders of God, Alleluia.




Veni Creator Spiritus,
Mentes tuorum visita,
Imple superna gratia,
Quæ tu creasti, pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus.
Altissimi donum Dei;
Fons vivus, ignis, charitas,
Et spiritalis unctio.

Tu septiformis munere,
Digitus paternæ dexteræ,
Tu rite promissum Patris,
Sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus:
Infunde amorem cordibus:
Infirma nostri corporis
Virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem re pellas longiùs,
Pacemque dones protinùs,
Ductore sic te prævio
Vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus da Patrem
Noscamus atque Filium:
Te utriusque Spiritum
Credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri, sit gloria,
Et Filio, qui a mortuis
Surrexit ac Paraclito,
In sæculorum sæcula. Amen.

V. Loquebantur variis linguis Apostoli, Alleluia.
R. Magnalia Dei, Alleluia.

Taken from: The Ursuline Manual, Dublin, Edition 1855


“Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created;
and thou wilt renew the face of the earth.”
(Ps, ciii. 30)